Sunday, July 3, 2011

Positive for Lynch Syndrome

So.  Five weeks ago I decided to have a blood test done for Lynch Syndrome.  I decided to do that because my 50 year old cousin was diagnosed with colon cancer and because many, many of my mother's relatives have been diagnosed with one form of cancer or another, mostly in the digestive tract.  I did the obligatory genetic counseling through Karmanos before they would do the test.  Problem was, I didn't really think I had Lynch.  My mom was 65 when she was diagnosed with lung cancer, no colon.  My sister & brother are both early 60's and no colon cancer.  So as the genetic counselor talked and flipped the pages of his 4" binder I listened from a distance.  Thinking I could help other members of my family if they were positive.  Wanting to understand from a distance how this had affected my family.
Then, the diagnosis.  The nurse called and said I had to come into the office to get the test results.  I had already waited 4 weeks for the results and was still busy with finals at school.  She had the doctor call me back & he was willing to give me the results over the phone.

That is when he said "your test was positive"......................

I am remembering now what I felt like at that moment.  It was as if everything, at least my universe, stopped...tipped...for just a moment.  I tried to breathe.  And I tried to listen...really what my fate was.  He said "I'm sorry to give you this bad news over the phone" to which I replied "well, it is what it is" as my head spun.  All I can remember clearly even now is that he called it "bad news".

It has been two weeks and I have scheduled a colonoscopy because my last one was 15 months ago and I did not know at that time that I had Lynch Syndrome.  An upper endoscopy.  And a full hysterectomy & oofrectomy in 3 weeks.  I've had a double exposure in my uterus because my mother took DES when she was carrying me, so time for all non-essential parts to come out.  I am 52.

I've decided on a blog as a way to put all of this in some kind of perspective.  A month ago this was happening to someone else.  Today I feel as if I have no control over my health.  That there is a monster waiting to grab me at its leisure, again & again if it chooses.

But...I have always tried to live a really healthy life.  I AM really healthy right now.  Something in me is refusing to take this lying down.  I need to take my head and heart and spirit to a place where I can live happy & healthy even with this disease.  With this blog I will try to document this journey...from surgery to recovery to nurturing my a way that can bring together other people who have Lynch and so we can learn how to navigate this new information.  This testing is new.  Knowing what might "get you in the end" (hmmm, the end haha)  is a new idea to me.  So I'm taking step number one right now.......

Please share your thoughts, your fears, your passions, your ideas and I will try to bring them together.  Check out or "Like" Lynch Syndrome International on FB, there is a lot of good information.  And let me know how you've told your next hurdle.

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